Design Institute of San Diego is an interior design school that has been known, since its founding in 1977, for the professional excellence of its program. Our students enter the college with a great dedication to a particular interest – interior design. As a specialized institution offering one program, Design Institute has always been able to focus all of its attention on the theory and practice of interior design; providing students with a structured sequential curriculum in a creative environment where personal attention enhances the educational life and development of each student. What has endured over the years is a strong sense of connection between the college, the student, and the profession.
Your path begins by choosing an interior design school where you can develop your ability to design and create inspiring spaces; a place where you can take the images and ideas in your head and give them life; an academic environment that will prepare you to become a practicing professional in interior design.At Design Institute we can see the future of our students at work. Your future is built into everything we do. There are many interior design schools and programs, but when you find the right school for you, it can change everything.
Our faculty practice what they teach and you receive the benefit of their wide experience. The advanced degrees they earned have been applied to their interior design careers and to the interior design courses they teach. They know the value of an education extended into real life – business, professional organizations, changing technologies, opportunities to do creative work and also, their desire to pass on what they know to the next generation. They are here to teach you, guide you, and be your mentors.
By the time you graduate interior design college you will have taken courses from more than thirty interior designers, architects, computer technologists and scholars in the arts and sciences. You are the future of interior design. The path you want is here, waiting for you.
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