Emory University, recognized internationally for its outstanding liberal arts colleges, graduate and professional schools, and one of the Southeast's leading health care systems, is located on a beautiful, leafy campus in Atlanta, Georgia's historic Druid Hills suburb.
At Emory we know that one size doesn't fit all. That's why two undergraduate liberal arts options await you here. You can choose to apply to:
Emory College of Arts and Sciences, our four-year undergraduate division on the university's Atlanta campus.
Oxford College, where freshmen and sophomores study at Emory's original campus 38 miles east of Atlanta.
Emory's students, faculty and staff create a welcoming and enterprising community. We enjoy a host of colorful traditions that range from Wonderful Wednesdays and Dooley's Week to Classroom on the Quad and Emory Cares International Service Day. And we always have room for new ideas -- two students with a vision of making a difference started Volunteer Emory.
Diverse events fill the university's online calendar. The activities of hundreds of student groups keep life on campus lively. And students can enjoy residential campus life while also having ready access to Atlanta's resources.
Visit http://www.emory.edu/ for more information!
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