The Medical University of Warsaw is one of the oldest medical schools in Poland. For over 200 years it has provided education and training in medicine and pharmacy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The university's programs meet the highest international standards of university-level education and are based on the principles of good clinical and pharmaceutical practice.
The academic staff at the Medical University of Warsaw have gained national and international reputations for their contributions to the science and practice of medicine. Many of them hold the prestigious posts of National Consultants in different specialties.
The Medical University of Warsaw provides specialist referral tertiary and general services and undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in its five affiliated teaching hospitals, which are also involved in scientific and clinical research and a number of clinical academic departments located in other hospitals in Warsaw. The programmes satisfy the highest international standards of university-level education and are based on the principles of good clinical and pharmaceutical practice.
The Medical University of Warsaw:
- Has an international dimension based on its international educational standards and the exchange of scientific thought among higher education and research institutions.
- Provides specialist referral, tertiary and general services as well as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in its five affiliated teaching hospitals, which are also involved in scientific and clinical research.
- Invests in the development of its research infrastructure and continues to expand its facilities. The latest projects include the recently opened Library and Information Centre and ongoing work on the Centre for Preclinical Research. Also under construction is the Pediatric Hospital and Rehabilitation and Sports Centre, the most modern facility of its kind in Poland.
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