In 2019, Liverpool Hope University is celebrating our 175 year of academic excellence. A unique university with a rich history dating back to 1844, our beautiful campuses mix traditional and modern architecture with stunning grounds. Liverpool Hope offers a special place to learn, combining excellent academic standards, small class sizes and great facilities with the pastoral care and support of a collegian community.
Liverpool Hope has two main teaching campuses. Hope Park is situated in a leafy suburb of Liverpool and is a mini educational village. The Creative Campus in Liverpool city centre is the home to our creative and performing arts subjects. Both campuses have seen major investment over the last five years, so traditional architecture now sits beside contemporary buildings and facilities.
The University places great emphasis on the bringing together of research excellence and top-quality teaching. This is facilitated by a community of academics and scholars who are of the highest calibre. Our research-informed teaching enables our students to develop into rounded and employable graduates who can take their place confidently as global citizens in the 21st century.
Our course reflect this approach, being underpinned by the research and scholarly activity which is driven by staff expertise. You will have the opportunity to study in a vibrant, supportive academic environment as evidenced by our recent performance in the Teaching and Research Excellence Frameworks.
For more information visit
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