With around 22,000 students from 80 countries, Birmingham City University is a large, diverse and increasingly popular place to study. We put students at the heart of everything we do, giving them the best opportunities for future success.
The University has an enviable reputation for providing quality, student-focused education in a professional and friendly environment. Our superb courses, state-of-the-art facilities, first-rate staff, and focus on practical skills and professional relevance is producing some of the country’s most employable graduates, with the Sunday Times University Guide 2013 ranking us in the UK top 30 for the proportion of our students entering graduate-level jobs.
We put £270 million into the regional economy and support thousands of jobs in the area. We're investing £180 million in our estate, including a major expansion of our city centre campus at Eastside, providing students with an enviable range of facilities. The Complete University Guide ranked us as a top 10 UK university for spending on facilities in 2012 and 2013.
Our staff and student community is defined by our core values, which outline who we are as a University and how we will work with each other. Our core values are Excellence, People focused, Partnership working and Fairness and integrity.
For more information visit
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