Why Study with Us
We‘ve made history.
With 25 years of history, we are one of the most established private education institutions in Australia.
We were the first, and are still the only private providers who can confer the full suite of business degrees, including the prestigious research degrees being: Master of Management, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
We’re flexible.
Whether you want to: study in Adelaide, at an international teaching centre or by distance learning; fast track your degree or take your time over a few years; or choose a specialisation or mix and match your subjects.
You can study a business degree with us anywhere, anytime, alongside students from all around the world.
We’re global.
We have alumni from over 80 countries, and now offer our courses at 17 locations in 10 countries spanning four continents.
We have cemented our position as global leaders in business education which means that your degree will always be recognised, anywhere in the world.
We’re fully accredited.
Our courses are not only accredited within the Australian Qualifications Framework but also through a number of international government departments, agencies and registries. So when you are going for that next job or business deal, planning to move overseas, or looking to enrol in your next qualification – you can be assured that our degrees fully accredited and globally recognised.
Our degrees are work-applied
Business isn’t just theory. Neither are our degrees.
We so strongly believe in the power of work-applied learning, that this process has been embedded into all of the courses that we offer.
Work-applied learning is regarded as the leading approach for developing business leaders because it impacts on the real performance of managers working with real problems within organisations to produce real solutions for their organisation.
Visit us at for more information
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