Welcome from the rector
Jaume Casals
Personally, and on behalf of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to our website.
Our university is young, modern and unequivocally public. As you browse this website, you will find information on an institution that the Catalan government founded in 1990 to offer training of the very highest quality, and which has seen its research activity increase substantially since then.
The result today is a specialized university that has interconnected a unique approach to teaching with cutting-edge research, revolving around three closely linked spheres of knowledge, namely social sciences and humanities (at the Ciutadella campus), information and communication sciences and technologies (at the Poblenou campus) and health and life sciences (at the Mar campus). To carry out all that activity, the University is organized into seven faculties, a polytechnic school, eight departments and three university institutes. In recent years, meanwhile, the University has also been part of the UPF Group, a network of institutions and centres specializing in education, research and transfer, each of which has its own legal personality and brings added value to our university project.
With a view to boosting the impetus and raising the international profile of research and transfer activities initiated within UPF, the University is currently developing the UPF Research Park, which works in the fields of social sciences, humanities, communication and IT. Located on the Ciutadella and Poblenou campuses, the UPF Research Park operates in coordination with the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, which is based on the Mar campus and works in the fields of health and life sciences.
To keep this message brief, I would like to conclude by encouraging you to use the information on this website to find out all about our institution, and by inviting you to visit our campuses and interact with our community. Each individual's participation helps us ensure that our university constantly improves.
Jaume Casals
Hjemmeside: http://www.upf.es/
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