Opened in 1908 as a board-governed institution, the University of Alberta has grown to become one of Canada’s top universities, focused on both undergraduate and graduate education and research. The university has four campuses in the vibrant, cosmopolitan city of Edmonton, including its French-language Campus Saint-Jean. A fifth campus, Augustana Campus, is located in Camrose, 90 km southeast of Edmonton.
With annual research funding topping $513 million, 93 Canada Research Chairs, three Canada Excellence Research Chairs, a billion dollars in construction and more than 100 research centres and institutes, the University of Alberta is one of the most research intensive universities in Canada.
It has nearly 38,800 students in more than 200 undergraduate and 170 graduate programs and a growing body of international students from more than 142 countries. There are more than 250,000 University of Alberta alumni worldwide.
More than 100 members of the Royal Society of Canada have been among a distinguished faculty at the University of Alberta that leads the country in 3M Awards for Teaching Excellence – Canada’s highest undergraduate teaching honour.
The University of Alberta is one of the province’s largest employers, with almost 8,500 academic staff, participating in 18 faculties and schools: Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences; Faculty of Arts; Augustana Campus; School of Business; Campus Saint-Jean; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Extension; Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research; Faculty of Law; Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry; Faculty of Native Studies; Faculty of Nursing; Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation; School of Public Health; Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine; and Faculty of Science.
Areas of established and emerging research and creative activity excellence on a national and/or international scale include world-class nanotechnology, printmaking, agri-foods, virology, petroleum engineering and diabetes research. TEC Edmonton, a joint venture of the City of Edmonton and the University of Alberta has spurred the development of 80 active and early stage spin-off companies.
The University of Alberta is nurturing the next generation of citizens by further integrating undergraduate research and teaching. In their first two years, undergraduate students are exposed to research primarily through courses designed to teach them the fundamentals of how to do research, as well as through interactions with teachers, graduate students and post-docs. In some faculties, field research is integral to the discipline, and that presents opportunities for students. There is also an increasing number of awards for undergraduates to undertake full-time research during the summer months. By the time undergraduates are entering their third year of studies, almost every faculty has a range of senior-level courses that are specifically research-oriented.
Student fees
Canadian student fees 2012-13 *
Undergraduate tuition fees: $5,269
Graduate tuition fees: $3,708
International student fees 2012-13 *
Undergraduate tuition fees: $18,318
Graduate tuition fees: $7,416
* Source: Statistics Canada. Fees for general programs in arts and humanities.
Note: In addition to tuition fees, universities generally charge fees for goods and services supplied to students. This includes areas such as student associations, sports and health. These additional fees vary widely per university and per student and can run from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Check with the university for details.
Student enrolment
2012 rounded preliminary fall enrolment *
Full-time (undergraduates): 30,456
Full-time (graduates): 6,136
Part-time (undergraduates): 1,728
Part-time (graduates): 1,324
* Source: University of Alberta
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