The University of Alaska Anchorage is the state’s largest post-secondary institution. Located in the heart of Alaska's largest city, the campus is nestled in the middle of a greenbelt, surrounded by lakes, ponds and wildlife, and is connected to a city-wide trail system perfect for students’ active lifestyles.
UAA is comprised of six teaching units at the Anchorage campus: the colleges of Education, Health and Social Welfare, Arts and Sciences, Business and Public Policy; and the Community and Technical College; and the School of Engineering. There are four community campuses: Matanuska-Susitna College, Kenai Peninsula College, Kodiak College and Prince William Sound Community College.
The University offers many career pathway programs featuring associate’s, baccalaureate and master’s degrees, as well as vocational and professional certificates in more than 150 major study areas, including arts, sciences, business, education, human services and health sciences. Through UAA’s comprehensive curriculum, students learn practical job skills and develop a strong educational foundation that prepares them for graduate of professional schools and the workplace.
The mission of the University of Alaska Anchorage is to discover and disseminate knowledge through teaching, research, engagement and creative expression.
Located in Anchorage and community campuses in Southcentral Alaska, UAA is committed to serving the higher education needs of the state, its communities and its diverse peoples.
The University of Alaska Anchorage is an open access university with academic programs leading to occupational endorsements; undergraduate and graduate certificates; and associate’s, baccalaureate and graduate degrees in a rich, diverse and inclusive environment.
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