Welcome to theThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a university with the vision to excel in professional education, applied research and partnership for the betterment of Hong Kong, the nation and the world.
Bearing in mind our motto "To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind", PolyU takes pride in offering a wide range of quality programmes which nurture graduates who are critical thinkers, effective communicators, innovative problem solvers, lifelong learners and ethical leaders. We also have a long-established research culture which supports our academics in conducting research that has impact and practical value.
Apart from being a close partner of business and industry, PolyU has strong regional and global connections. We are weaving a growing and increasingly effective global network which further facilitates our educational and research development, as well as enhancing our academic and cultural exchanges. We have strengthened our establishments on the Chinese mainland, and have achieved significant progress in internationalization.
I often encourage our students to become “practical dreamers”, focusing on reality but looking beyond it. In a way, we at PolyU are also practical dreamers, who strive to turn our vision in education into reality.
As you surf our website, I hope you will learn more about our University and discover how we accord top priority to students' all-round development while doing our best to contribute to the development of the local and international community.
I look forward to meeting and greeting you on our campus. In the meantime, have a very enjoyable virtual visit.
Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D.
Hjemmeside: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/
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