Originally founded as a small mechanics institution (Liverpool Mechanics' School of Arts) in 1825, the institution grew over the centuries by converging and amalgamating with different colleges and eventually became the Liverpool Polytechnic. In 1992, the Polytechnic became one of the UK's new generation universities and assumed the name Liverpool John Moores University.
The University took its name from Sir John Moores, the founder of the Littlewoods empire, which has been synonymous with Liverpool since it began in 1923. Sir John was a great believer in the creation of opportunity for all which embodies the ethos of LJMU in providing educational routes for people of all ages and from all backgrounds.
The University has continued to go from strength to strength, and now has over 24,000 students from all over the world. As a modern, civic university, LJMU has played a vital role in the cultural renaissance of Liverpool and has taken an active part in the regeneration of the city. New advances in digital technology and science have placed us at the forefront of exciting developments in areas such as multimedia, sports science and space exploration.
Our ethos is Dream, Plan, Achieve and we aim to provide every student with the tools they need to achieve their dreams. Our globally unique World of Work programme is backed by business leaders because it gives our students an educational experience that is intellectually challenging and industry-relevant, with professional skills that help them to stand out in the job market.
The University is organised into four Faculties spanning Arts, Professional and Social Studies; Education, Health and Community; Science; Technology and Environment.
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