The University of Lincoln is recognised as one of UK’s leading modern universities and is ranked among the top 10 in the country for teaching quality and student experience in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2017.
Innovative Teaching
Opened by Queen Elizabeth II, the University of Lincoln’s city centre campus is home to over 13,000 students studying across the Colleges of Science, Social Science, Art and Lincoln International Business School. In 2016/17, students from more than 100 countries were enrolled on over 200 different courses.
In the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2017, the University of Lincoln was rated as a gold standard university after being judged as delivering consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students.
High Student Satisfaction
In the National Student Survey 2016, Lincoln placed among the top 10 universities in the UK for overall student satisfaction with a range of courses ranked number one in the country. The 2017 What Uni Student Choice Awards also rank the University of Lincoln among the top 10 universities in the country for international and postgraduate student satisfaction.
Pioneering Research
The University of Lincoln is home to world-leading researchers who are making profound contributions to their subject areas. Within the Research Excellence Framework 2014, more than half of the research submitted by the University of Lincoln was judged to be internationally excellent or world-leading (3* or 4*) – the highest scores possible.
Great Prospects
95% of the University of Lincoln’s most recent graduates were in work or further study six months after completing their course, with almost three quarters in graduate level roles, according to the latest Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey 2014/15.
Cutting Edge Facilities
The University of Lincoln’s award winning Brayford Pool Campus is located within a 5 minute walk of the city centre and is home to facilities designed for the subject-specific needs of students and industry. Within the Times Higher Education's Student Experience Survey 2017, the University of Lincoln was rated in the top 10% of UK universities for centralised, convenient facilities.
Historic Location
The city of Lincoln is recognised as one of Europe's great historic cities with a rich heritage dating back over 2,000 years. With its medieval castle and one of the finest cathedrals in Europe, the city is steeped in history and fame.
In 2016, Lincoln featured among Britain’s 20 Best Cities by the Telegraph alongside being named the UK’s friendliest city by the Eden Project’s Big Lunch programme. In 2017, Lincoln was also ranked the cheapest university town in the UK by
With its central location, the city of Lincoln is within easy access of a number of cities including London (under 2 hours away by train).
How to Apply
Undergraduate Entry
In order to apply for an undergraduate programme, an application must be made online through UCAS. To apply, prospective students require the following:
A personal statement
Vitnemal and college level transcript (if applicable)
A Portfolio if applying for subjects within Architecture, Art and Design
Undergraduate Entry Requirements:
Applicants require one of the following qualifications:
-Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skole of minimum 4, including English Language.
-Between 27 and 34 International Baccalaureate (IB) points depending on the course you wish to apply for. Specific information on IB requirements can be found on the individual course page.
Alternatively a minimum IELTS of 6.0 (with no less than 5.5 in each band score) maybe accepted. Please note that some programmes require a higher IELTS score. Further information regarding English language requirements can be found on our website.
Postgraduate Entry
Applications for postgraduate programmes can be made online via the University of Lincoln website. In order to apply, prospective students require the following:
1. A Personal statement
2. Reference
3. Transcripts and degree certificate
Postgraduate Entry requirements:
A good Bachelor degree from a recognized institution with a minimum grade of 2:2 (or equivalent). English requirements as above.
Detailed information regarding the application process and how to apply can be found here.
Each year, the University of Lincoln are delighted to award a range of scholarships to academically gifted students from around the world.
The following scholarships are available for Norwegian students:
-£2,000 Undergraduate Scholarships available for students enrolling onto the first year of an undergraduate degree (automatic)
-£1,000 Scholarships available for students entering onto an undergraduate final year ‘top up’ programme (automatic)
-£2,000 Global Merit Scholarships automatically available to students enrolling onto a postgraduate (taught or masters by research) course with a minimum grade of 2:2 or above (or equivalent).
Detailed information regarding the above scholarships can be found here.
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- Idrettsfag, kroppsøving og friluftsliv
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- Matematikk og naturfag
- Mediefag, bibliotekfag og journalistfag
Steder hvor UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN har avdelingerUtlandet: Storbritannia
Lincoln LN6 7TS,
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