UWM offers a uniquely relevant learning experience, educating more Wisconsin residents than any university in the world and recruiting a growing population of international students and faculty.
As the most diverse institution in the University of Wisconsin System, UWM is a learning destination for 30,000 students.
They share the motivation to learn and to excel, and the talent to nurture their ideas and contribute to the global economy. Each student arrives at UWM with a unique perspective and an approach to learning that will be enhanced by a network of support services and learning opportunities available nowhere else in America.Check out the facts, figures and finances that help present a picture of UWM as an accessible, affordable and powerful institution of higher education.
UWM & Milwaukee — Something for every studentWorld-class faculty sponsor a broad curriculum across 14 schools and colleges, inspired by academia throughout the ages and 21st-century career opportunities and scientific discovery.
Every UWM education takes place in the economic, cultural and entertainment capital of the state: Milwaukee – just five blocks from one of the finest classrooms and freshwater sources anywhere: Lake Michigan and its surrounding beaches, parks, playgrounds and preserves.
First-generation college students arrive here straight from high school, or years later – after starting families, changing careers or serving in the military. We make learning accessible at every age, stage of life and location. Study on campus, online or both.
UWM & You — Research, Recreate, Reveal your Future
The Carnegie Foundation classifies UWM as a university with high research activity, which means scholars from freshman year through post-doctoral fellowship have myriad opportunities to test their ideas and enhance their resumes through research, internship and international learning opportunities.
The living at UWM is as important, and vibrant, as the learning. From 15 NCAA Division I sports to a bustling and affordable university-inspired arts and entertainment scene there’s much to see and do when it’s time for a study break or celebration. Panther Pride is in full force year-round.
UWM — In the Business of Innovation Since 1885Although the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee name and identity have changed over the last 100 years, the university and its predecessor institutions have maintained a commitment to rigorous, relevant and real-world learning and professional development for all students.
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